A Black, non-binary, queer educator runs this page.

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Meet Mx. KT! My pronouns are They/Them. I am a non-binary Black artist, program director, educator, and curriculum developer based in Brooklyn, NY. My focus is on art education and community practice.

I created Black Education Matters as an online education resource page and network in 2018 as an evolving educator seeking resources to affirm our youth.

Since then, we have created and resourced 6 of our own Black education spaces called Equity Pods, distributed over $20,000+ directly paid to Black Education spaces across the country, and provide over 1000+ free downloadable education resources and materials of all kinds, all in one place.

Black Education Matters is for us, by us. We are gender expansive and trans inclusive, as well as queer affirming. We are anti-cop, anti-capitalism, anti-colonialism, anti-war, anti-occupation, anti-imperialism, and anti states, anti- prisons, and anti-carseral systems. Our resources intersectional and are pro-mental health, pro-body positivity, and pro-sex education. We are also pro- disability justice.

This page challenges will challenge your consciousness as we are always learning and unlearning. I am so honored to continue this work. We should be so lucky.

Thanks for following, thanks for your support. If you have learned something on this page please consider donating if you are utilizing these resources.

Towards liberation always,



Our work depends on your support

Cash app: $krken

Venmo: @BlackEdMatters

Paypal: PayPal.Me/krken00

I am an educator.

I teach Black students.

I will not remain silent.

— KT Kennedy


We are building a resource bank containing the materials I’ve always sought as an evolving educator. Resources of all kinds—all in one place.

ALL educators, families, and institutions are welcome and encouraged to utilize our resources. We are teacher, school, and parent-friendly.